LOCATION: Whakatane Golf Club
DATE: Friday 21st June
Cost: $20 per team
Join us for the Golf Fluro Fun Day which is open to anyone from Year 1 through to Year 6.This is a fun day out to learn new skills and enjoy a day out with your friends!
Teams of 4 students | Fluro Dress-up | Great Spot Prizes
Format: Rotate Golf
One ball per team, one score per team, team players get a number from 1-4 this determines when it’s your turn, one will start two hits from where ones finishes three hits from where two finishes and so on till you complete the hole.
Other Information:
Each team must be accompanied by an adult.
Please bring golf balls and golf clubs if you have then, otherwise some will be provided.
Prizes for the best dressed Fluro team!
For more information: Please contact Sam Kendall, sam.kendall@golfnz.org